Wednesday 26 June 2019

He never Ceases to Amaze me

As i sit here this morning. I am just in Awe... like Seriously I really can not comprehend how I could not live with out God daily in my life.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Today is the Day that the Lord has made

Today is the Day that the Lord has Made, Let’s Rejoice and be glad in it.

Today I was up at 5:30 am, I heard from the Lord it was time to get up. So I did , I could tell when I looked outside at the beautiful fog that it was going to be a wonderful day. I prayed, and read my devotions. I went out side and just stood there still listening to the birds. My wonderful Cardinal was out there singing to me from across the road. I turned and heard the little humming bird buzzing around. I looked for him and spotted him over on the limb of my yellow bush. The fog was burning off quickly. I looked out in the back yard, awe it was just like a heavenly place. Oh so beautiful, the fresh morning dew, sitting on everything. I was like I need to capture this as best I can. So I ran in got my camera and ran out in the back yard in my PJs. I captured the sun peeking through the trees. I captured our beautiful pink blossoms on another bush we have in our yard. Not so sure on the name of what it is called. I will have to figure that one out. I will add pictures in here at the bottom once I am done writing.
I went to town a bit later in the morning as I had a few errands. I captured more wonderful fog pictures at the Park by the Digby Wharf. The fog was so beautiful this morning as it kissed the ocean. I am just so thankful to be living in this beautiful town. I know God has a wonderful plan for me here.
I went and visited with another Jesus Loving Lady.  We got to dance to Joy by King and Country in the Kitchen.. ah what fun. We prayed together, how I love praying with another.

“Where two or three are gather in my name, there I am with them.” Matthew 18:20

I showed her the 3 shirts I had picked up at the Salvation Army. As I was putting them back in my Jeep, I was prompted to give her one of the shirts. So funny because she told me later that God was
telling her that I was going to give her the Shirt. WOW!! Confirmation right there.
Then I went to Bethany Bin found a few more shirts not realizing that its only paying with Cash there. I only had $12 on me. This lady was by the till and she offered to pay the other $1.50. How kind, I am just like I love how God works.

Beautiful Apple Blossoms at my Aunt Norma’s home

Just look at those beautiful water droplets

I could feel his presence 


This is my most Favorite picture of the morning. 

Am I really seeing this Lord

Lord Am I really seeing this?

 I listened to Kelly sing yesterday. WOW the Holy Spirit was in the House!!  I just felt so humble. As she was singing I closed my eyes and then all the sudden I seen this vision.. I opened my eyes, and closed them again. Yes it was still there. I was like wow I have never ever experienced this before.
The vision was mostly Orange and some browns in the background.  Standing to the left was a white cloak with the Left arm lifted half way up. I was like is my eyes really seeing this.  The Lord was like yes you sure are. This is the Holy Spirit you are seeing.   Then the hood of the cloak was taken down , and I could not see anything where the head would be. That is of course because we cannot SEE the Holy Spirit. Awe yes that makes total since.  I was like I WANT a picture of this. I NEED a picture of this. This picture is so beautiful. God was telling me to paint the picture of what I seen.
Then during another song, I closed my eyes and I could see the White cloak again, with arms down by the side. Just standing there so still. I felt so at peace.

Now on Kelly’s final beautiful Song Clean, The white cloak was there again, and then it just slowly moved off to the left side of my vision. At that point in time was when the music just stopped and all we heard was Kelly’s voice then the music came back on.  NOW how amazing is that.  Someone explain this to me!!! Right ? It cannot he explained because this is all through GOD!! Amen.

This is what I seen in my vision exactly. Now just imagine that hood being taken down. And look what is left.. SO see we cannot see the Holy Spirit, however we for sure can feel his presence. Thank you Lord for revealing this beautiful picture to me. I just feel so humble.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

God’s Artwork in the sky

I sat ouside with my husband tonight, as we chatted and watched the clouds change and then the beautiful sunset. I just feel so blessed for the beautiful province of Nova Scotia that we live in.

Now look at this beautiful art work and tell me this is not from God. Like seriously, I am just in awe. I just feel so blessed.

Divine Timing for sure

I love how I can plan out a day , a week or even a month. God can take that day and make it a divine appointment.
Like last week Friday when I was visiting with a friend and going over her new Premium starter kit Young Living essential oils kit. I had  such a great time of sharing with her and our wonderful chatting on God’s wonderful works. Talking about God just fills me with the Holy Spirit and excites me.

It was for sure divine timing when my cousin was planning to see me that afternoon ,and also a friend was home from Calgary and she wanted to see me too. They both are friends from childhood. SO what happened, I feel it was God’s divine timing , as neither of them knew they would see each other at my home. !!! I have to say it was priceless how it all went down. I did not plan a thing.... 😀

I just feel so Blessed. 

Power of our words

This morning has really been an eye opener.

I read this wonderful love letter this morning. Ooh SO powerful.

Awe these words are like honey to my soul!!! 

This Video is SO powerful
I watched this video this morning, and yes that saying was always said when I was growing up, Sticks and Stones with break your bones but names will NEVER hurt you!! WOW that lies!!! this is so NOT true.
I remember so many kids throughout elementary school and High school being SO mean to me.
So hurtful....

When Facebook came out back sometime in 2007 I had a childhood friend actually write me a letter to apologize at how she had made fun of me.  I really had no memories of her being not nice to me. However that must have laid on her heart. She asked for my forgiveness and yes of course I forgave her.

I love how God works , I love how he has taken me deeper. I love how he has so many divine appointments.

I am very am so undeserving of his LOvE !! For so many reasons. Yet he forgives me of my sins. I  love how he is moulding and shaping me. I love how he is putting GOD LOVING Ladies in my life. I love how he is growing me.

Please take the time to listen to  this Truthful Video.!!!

If we feel a conviction that means that GOD is at work!!!! All we need to do is ask for forgivness. 

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Feb 16, 2018

Spiritual Awakening

I got up that morning, all ready for my Essential Oils works shop I was scheduled to have in the afternoon. As I was getting ready for the morning, I was being prompted to take a Bottle of Joy Oil to a very dear Friend. I really started to argue with myself saying this is really silly of me thinking this. As she already has other Oils that she uses and she for sure is not going to use this bottle of Young Living Oil.  However the feeling was stronger and stronger, and I heard within myself to do this. Then I was hearing to cancel my workshop and to see her TODAY, not tomorrow TODAY. So I cancelled my workshop and obeyed what I was hearing.
I called her up and told her I would be stopping by to drop something off. I arrived to see her briefly and drop off this wonderful little gift. Once my quick visit was over I was prompted to go to the Beach in Seawall. I was told by my friend it was very difficult to get onto the beach because of the High Seas we had the week earlier as the water had frozen and made the opening closed off .
So I made my way to the Beach, I could not get over the damage that the ocean had done to the beach.

I got out of my Jeep and I was taking pictures of the Devastation of all the seaweed and ocean items that had washed up and froze. I had no idea there was another way to get onto the beach. I was prompted again that I would get onto that beach.

I walked over to the right side of the rock wall and discovered an opening to get on the beach. The sky was all grey. I wrote “ Believe in the sand. I am not sure if anyone seen it that day, however I felt I had great faith and belief. 

The tide was out at this time , and I walked more over to the Right side of the beach where the fresh water flows into the ocean. It may have been grey sky but I just felt so peaceful.
As I looked over to the left of the beach I could see quite far away , what looked like a waterfall. Could this be? I had no idea in all my years of growing up in this area that there was a waterfall flowing off the cliffs.

I was nudged again to go to these waterfalls. So off I went , I just had to get closer to these waterfalls.
As I walked along the beach, I came to to a spot where I was leaping over the streams of water
flowing out into the ocean, so that. My feet would not get wet.

Then I was walking around many rocks, there were so many rocks. All the sudden it struck me... I felt like I was on a journey.

(Notice this picture was taken on my way back because I had not gotten a picture when I walked to the waterfalls, note the blue skies)

 I felt like God was showing me the journey that I had and am on. I also starting praying about my essential oil journey that i am on if this was the right path. He confirmed to me that yes I am doing what I should be doing.  

All the sudden I noticed that the rocks were fewer and fewer and all there was Straight sand ahead of me. I felt like those rocks represented the obstacles in my life.  I could see I was getting closer and closer to those waterfalls. 

WOW there was not only one waterfall but there was NINE waterfalls.   The big waterfalls , then a small muddy waterfall beside it then 7 other clear waterfalls. All so beautiful. I still felt like I had too get closer and closer. I was not afraid.

So I seen there was built up ice below the waterfall, I got as close as I possibly could that would be safe for me. I stood at the bottom of the water fall and just started saying AMEN, thank you Lord for these beautiful Falls.  Then all the sudden, the ice broke under my feet and I went down probably only 2-3 inches. I jumped out of the hole really quickly, as I felt a fear in the gut of my stomach. My feet did not get wet. Then the hole filled with water. I looked around and I then felt the sun beating down on me. I looked up and seen the beautiful blue sky. The Clouds had been moved away all in that moment. I was in Awe and felt so humble, I could feel tears coming to my eyes.I know this was a all God. 

The Clouds had been blown it away it seemed and the rays of the sun were on me. I started singing to God!! I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit I felt this was all for me!! I felt Changed all in that very moment. I had no fear I felt safe. I just had such an amazing feeling..

I am not sure if someone had been on that beach and heard me they may have thought I had lost my mind . HA ha ha ha....   I knew at that very moment this was all for me.  I was saying Thank you Jesus!!! Amen, Hallelujah !!!!

I just soaked in the sunshine, I was like there is a message here for me today!!

I wanted to video the waterfalls with my camera. So I only got about 3 seconds of a video because my camera battery was flashing red because it was going dead. I was like I have so many pictures I still want to take.

On my walk back I could see something shining silver. When I got up to it , what a beautiful sea shell.In the shape of an angels wing. I did not bring it with me however I did capture a picture of it.

Then I stopped and was looking out at the water and I noticed all the little streams of water going out the the ocean and I was like this just looks so cool. So I snapped a picture not even realizing what could be seen in the picture until later. If you look my friend you can see a lions face!! SO amazing. I feel it is the Lion of Judah.

 The beautiful pictures I have taken just speak for themselves.... So this is where I feel my deeper spiritual journey began.

Notice the beautiful Blue Sky!!!