Saturday 13 July 2019


WOW!!! Oh my where do I start!!! God is just almighty.  I LOVE how God works...

So I started a new job last week that really demands a lot of my time. I am fitting in my worship time when I can as much as possible.

This morning I just felt moved to worship and sing praises to GOD. I took my I Pad into our bedroom closed the door and just sang my little heart out to GOD. Thirty mins later I came out of our room and my husband wanted to know what I was doing and why. I explained to him that I was worshiping. He said that he had never heard me or seen me do that before. WHY !! Because I do that when he is not home.  THEN all the SUDDEN I was facing huge Opposition!!!  I could feel the spirit of the Enemy strong.. of course the enemy does not want me to worship so he used my husband as opposition!!  I knew this and I expected this!! So my husband was NOT happy with me at all for a few reasons. It seemed like just just out of the blue. So he left out of the house in a huff puff to Fix the TWO nails in my tire of my Jeep.

I made him breakfast and Took it out to him, he was all in a sweat trying to fix my tires. He had bought me new tires 2 weeks ago and these tires were tougher to fix. I gave him his breakfast and I noticed the beautiful cloud formations in the sky. I came in got my i pad and started taking pictures. ( I will tell the story a bit later about one of the cloud formations and what it meant)

I was in the house putting on my Savvy Make up as I am preparing to get ready for our Family Reunion activity’s today. WOW!!! He comes in the house and says “Jesus Helped me” I was like “ Really , how did he help you.”

What happened was the new tire plugs my husband had bought were not working in my new awesome tires. SO my hubby said “ JESUS , help me to find my old tire plugs, I had in Calgary.”  My husband has thought he had given them away.  So he started looking through a drawer in his tool box then he looked in another Tool Drawer he NEVER uses much.  BEHOLD there was his OLD Tire Plugs!!!

Amen Jesus!!! Yes our Lord is so good.

 See , Do you SEE how God works!!!  I am just in AWE!!!!!   My husband is not a christian however he really is seeing how God is working in my Life and in ours!!!  I am just so thankful. God really does come through!!!

I thanked God over and over again for this wonderful God story. I love how God works.  So for today my husband does not think I am crazy LOLOLOL .