Wednesday 28 August 2019

His Signs and Wonders

And the Apostles went out announcing the good news everywhere , as the Lord himself consistently worked with them, validating the message they preached with Miracle-signs that accompanied them! Mark 16:20 TPT

Yesterday I had a wonderful time in Little River at our Prayer time!! On my way home I was nudged to stop at Seawall Beach and God had a message for me. Awe what a beautiful time at the beach. I wrote in the sand, as there was a stick right there provided for me. Ah I just love how he works, I just love living with him by my side each and every day. No matter what the day has to hold for me, each day is a true gift no matter what is happening.

So I was just walking along the Beach and I had been writing words in the Sand. I heard Look up!!! So I looked up and turned around and looked at the sky. I seen it right away. I was just in Awe. I was so quick to grab my camera as the sky changes SO quickly.

Back in June I had painted a picture of a vision I had seen when Kelly had Sang a song in Digby.  Now what I was seeing before me just confirmed what I had seen.  It for sure was confirmed right before my eyes!! No one would have believed me if I had not gotten this picture. Really and truly I do not need anyone to believe me because I know this is true. I do love to capture the Lord’s work though. As I love to share some of the things with others, to just really give hope to others that he really is there!!!

Saturday 3 August 2019

DVBS July 2019

I just wanted to recap on DVBS this year.

Back in the early Spring, our Church was discussing on whether they would have Daily Vacation Bible School. I did not stay for the first meeting, even though I was prompted to stay.
The next Sunday I was nudged BIG TIME by God to stay and meet with the Group.
So I went back in and listened as they discussed about not being able to have DVBS.
As I stood there and listened God was telling me that I was going to co ordinate ! I was arguing with him in my head that NO was not even trained to do this.  Well he was telling me to speak up and tell them that I would Co-ordinate. Sooooo I spoke up and said I may co ordinate that I would let them know later in the week.  I really just needed confirmation really from God, as I really could not believe that I could pull this off. Well that was on Sunday, on Tuesday I was at our bible study and a Lady was talking about how she was doing DVBS at her church. OK yes confirmation right there.. WOW!!!!  So to make a long story short, I was co-ordinating our DVBS. Our minister knew of a wonderful family that went around to churches over the Maritimes doing DVBS.
He got in contact with them and it just worked out that they had July 22 - 26. Everything just really fell into place.  Even though 2 weeks leading up to DVBS, I had so many things happen, there was spiritual warfare for sure. I prayed through it and I had many others praying also .
So the day arrived, the Church looked awesome.  Children started arriving and we discovered there was a wasp next just by the front door, and our Leader was allergic to them. I was like seriously Lord. I was praying for the Devil to get under my feet, he would not have victory in this. We were able to get rid of the wasps AMEN!!!!  So our Daily vacation bible school went well. The children all had a wonderful time. Thank you so much Lord so I obeyed what you had planned. I was only a vessel and i take no credit!! God is so good.

Deuteronomy 13:4
Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.